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2021-08-23 17:38法学硕士论文 人已围观   作者:周老师   来源:网络



第1部分 集体合同中工会的主体角色身份研究
第2部分 集体合同中工会主体地位的界定和根据
第3部分 集体合同中工会的应然属性与实然背离
第4部分 工会自身的局限性
第5部分 对用人单位约束的缺
第6部分 政府监督指导的义务与责任的缺失
第7部分 集体合同中工会主体相关制度的完善
第8部分 集体合同之工主体地位分析结语与参考文献




  摘 要





  关键词:集体合同, 工会, 主体地位


  The collective contract system in the context of new China is a historical concept, which isthat in the beginning of PRC the collective contract system had already existed , although in the1960s had been cancellation.Of the last century the early eighty's witnessed the something of thekind named co-insurance contract system.In the 90s with the naissance and growth of marketeconomy, the collective contract system with new forms has built a foundation for the labor legalsystem and continues to the present time, and as one of the test on institutional innovation which has createdsome kind of possibility for the construction of society with rule of law. The collective contract systemis an important guarantee of labor rights and interests, born with the market economy but to whichhad not been attached importance,so this system experiences many variation even falls back in thedevelopmenrt process. The problems in term of the role and identity of the labour union in thecollective contract system,whether in the collective contract or even in individual labor contractbeforehand, at present or later, all can be seen as a big proposition of changes in legal fact in thelabor process , so exploration in this proposition really is the key to the collective contract, whichprovides the legal system construction of labor rights protection with possibility.

  Therefore,based on the connotation of subject of collective contract and the three propositionsin principle which the trade unions to be supposed to possess standing as the subject of collectivecontract . The propositions in principle follow the study of the relationship between subjects ofcollective contract and related parties and assurance of the propositions in principle derives thenecessity to investigating the institution practice. Corresponding with the propositions in principleand based on the study of practical situation of China's trade unions in collective contract systemwe find out the reason of deviation to the system, so the traces of the generally academic path canbe found in this paper, that is, the path from the metaphysics to the reality . The process from theexporation to elemental proposition to discovery of problem then to the analysis of the reason isonly a critical one, and to realize the self-communion of system it ought to be a building stage, sothe last section show us a system framework of reconstruction, in this framework we can find howto resolve or enhance the force and the situation of both and find the care of equality andindependence in the subject of a collective contract.

  Key Words:Pubject status, Labour union, Collective contract

    目 录

  引 言 …… 1

  1 集体合同中工会主体地位的界定和根据 …… 2

  1.1集体合同中工会主体地位的理论界定 ……2

  1.1.1 职工主体说 ……3

  1.1.2 共同主体说 ……8

  1.1.3 工会主体说 ……10

  1.2集体合同中工会主体地位的规范根据 ……12

  2 集体合同中工会的应然属性与实然背离…… 15

  2.1集体合同中工会应该具有的属性 ……15

  2.1.1 职工代表 ……15

  2.1.2 主体独立 ……15

  2.1.3 地位平等 ……16

  2.2我国集体合同中工会在实践上对应然属性的背离 ……20

  2.2.1 工会在集体合同中缺乏职工代表性 ……20

  2.2.2 工会没有独立于集体合同的相对方 ……21

  2.2.3 工会没有独立于集体合同之外的其他方 ……23

  2.2.4 工会在集体协商中的力量相对薄弱 ……25

  3 我国集体合同中工会在实践上对应然属性背离的原因…… 26

  3.1工会自身的局限性 ……26

  3.1.1 工会的双重定位 ……26

  3.1.2 工会经费缴付制度的缺陷 ……27

  3.1.3 工会人事任免制度的缺陷 ……28

  3.1.4 工会组建制度的缺陷 ……29

  3.1.5 工会行业级别的缺位 ……31

  3.2对用人单位约束的缺失 ……35

  3.2.1 对用人单位在集体协商前的行为缺乏规制 ……35

  3.2.2 对回应集体谈判与签订集体合同的强制性缺乏规定 ……36

  3.3政府监督指导的义务与责任的缺失 ……38

  3.3.1 地方政府重资方轻劳方的倾向 ……38

  3.3.2 政府教育指导职能的缺失 ……39

  4 集体合同中工会主体相关制度的完善…… 41

  4.1工会组织内部制度的完善 ……41

  4.1.1 重新定位工会角色 ……41

  4.1.2 改变工会经费来源 ……42

  4.1.3 改变工会干部任免制度 ……42

  4.1.4 改变工会组建方式 ……43

  4.1.5 重新建构行业工会的运作机制 ……44

  4.2集体合同中用人单位行为的规范化 ……46

  4.2.1 建立集体协商前的职业保障机制 ……46

  4.2.2 规定回应集体谈判与签订集体合同的义务 ……47

  4.3政府监督指导职能的确立 ……47

  4.3.1 协调与平衡集体合同双方的利益 ……47

  4.3.2 加强对工会和职工的教育指导 ……48

  5 结语 …… 50

  参考文献…… 51

  致 谢 …… 56

Tags: 角色  中工  合同  集体  主体  会的  身份  研究 



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