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2021-08-27 06:10法学硕士论文 人已围观 作者:周老师 来源:学术堂
第1部分 微博背景下司法公信力的重塑研究
第2部分 司法公信力在微博中受创与对策绪论
第3部分 司法公信力:概念及标准的重构
第4部分 微博环境下司法公信力现状实证研究
第5部分 司法公信力的理论分析:以国家和社会为视角
第6部分 司法公信力的重构:以沟通行动理论为视角
第7部分 司法公信力在微博环境下的建设结论与参考文献
摘 要
Micro-blog has convenient, real-time, grassroots characteristics, more and morepeople attract public attention using these features to protect their interests, so a lot ofnegative comments about judiciary spill over to the micro-blog , leading to judicialcredibility facing serious challenges. Then judiciary launch micro-blog to respond thechallenges , but judiciary lack of the awareness of communication and the majority ofmicro-blog cannot deal with situation, so that the judiciary in the era of micro-blogsuffered unprecedented public trial, the credibility of the judiciary is facing greaterchallenges. Under this background, we analysis the number of negative comments aboutjudiciary, the demands of public and propagation characteristics by the empirical approach.
The falling of judicial credibility mainly due to the judiciary's own subjective factorsunder the micro-blog environment. The positive / negative factors of judiciary and thecredibility of the judicial are positive correlation. With the theory of state andcivil society, the essence of judicial credibility is the evaluation of the public on thejudicial work of the state, The fundamental reason for decline of judicial credibility isunable to construct a kind of benign relationship between state and society. The model of“weak state - strong society” is the right choice. With the communicative action theory ofHabermas, the effective communication between state and society is crucial to enhance thecredibility of the judiciary. First , we should construct the consciousness of rationalcommunication; second, we should construct the ideal communication situation throughthe micro-blog from the macro-view; finally ,we should ensure the realization of the idealcommunication situation with concrete measures.
Keywords: judicial credibility; micro-blog; state and society; communication actions
目 录
摘 要……I
第 1 章 绪 论……1
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义……1
1.1.1 课题研究的背景……1
1.1.2 课题研究的意义……1
1.2 国内外研究现状……2
1.2.1 国内研究现状及分析……2
1.2.2 国外研究现状及分析……4
1.3 研究的思路和方法……5
1.3.1 学术构想与思路……5
1.3.2 研究方法……6
第 2 章 司法公信力:概念及标准的重构……7
2.1 司法公信力的传统理解及缺陷……7
2.1.1 能力说……7
2.1.2 复合说……7
2.2 司法公信力的新解:评价说……8
2.3 微博对司法公信力的“加速度”效应……10
2.4 司法公信力的评价标准……11
2.5 本章小结……12
第 3 章 微博环境下司法公信力现状实证研究……13
3.1 研究设计……13
3.2 司法负面话题微博数据析理……13
3.2.1 司法负面话题微博数量……13
3.2.2 司法负面话题微博反应诉求内容分类……15
3.2.3 司法负面话题微博的传播特征……16
3.3 司法对负面话题的回应模式--以个案为例…… 17
3.3.1 回避模式……18
3.3.2 盲从模式……19
3.3.3 太极模式……20
3.4 微博环境下司法公信力受创的原因……20
3.4.1 司法乱作为和司法不作为……22
3.4.2 司法信息严重不对称……22
3.5 本章小结……23
第 4 章 司法公信力的理论分析:以国家和社会为视角……25
4.1 国家与社会理论概述……25
4.2 国家与社会视角下司法公信力的实质以及受创原因……27
4.3 本章小结……29
第 5 章 司法公信力的重构:以沟通行动理论为视角……30
5.1 沟通行动理论概述……30
5.2 微博、司法公信力与理想沟通情境……32
5.3 沟通行动理论视角下司法公信力的提升路径……34
5.3.1 建构“沟通理性”……34
5.3.2 建构理想沟通情境……36
5.3.3 提升司法公信力的具体路径……37
5.4 本章小结……38
结 论……39
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