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2021-08-20 18:13法学本科论文 人已围观 作者:丁芳园 来源:兰州财经大学
关键词:消费税 税收法定 功能 授权立法
China's excise duty belongs to the special consumption tax, and itemphasizes the exertion of the tax adjustment function more than thevalue-added tax. The adjustment function of China's excise duty includesguiding consumer behaviors, correcting negative externalities, andadjusting income distribution. From the historical perspective of thedevelopment of China's excise duty, the regulation function of excise dutyis continuously strengthened. In the current context of the “Business TaxReplaced with Value-added Tax” and the rise of the consumer economy,excise duty must play a more powerful role in tax adjustment. Thestatutory principle of taxation has been introduced into China andestablished in the law. However, it has not been implemented in China'sexcise tax system yet, which not only makes China's excise tax legislativebody been confused and the legislative process anomie, but causesirrational design of tax items, unscientific tax rate design, and a singletaxation. All of these issues have affected the regulation function ofChina's excise duty. On the surface, the problem with the excise dutysystem is that the statutory principle of taxation is not in place, but thedeeper reason is that the statutory principle of taxation requires that thelaws can only be enacted by the National People’s Congress and itsStanding Committee can stipulate the establishment of taxes, thedetermination of tax rates, and tax collection and management. The regulation function of China’s excise duty is realized through theestablishment and cancellation of taxes, the adjustment of tax rates andthe adjustment of the collection procedures, which undoubtedly limits thefunction of the excise duty adjustment. Therefore, the key toimplementing the statutory principle of taxation in the excise tax systemis to resolve the conflict between how to reconcile excise tax flexibilitywith the stability of statutory principles of taxation. First of all, theuncertainty and variability of the excise duty adjustment should not betaken as the law characteristics of realizing the adjustment function. Itshould also be acquired that the implementation of the statutory principleof taxation is not only to guarantee the scientificity and rationality of theadjustment of excise duty, but to bond the purpose of adjustment functionof excise duty with the individual interests of taxpayers. Second, weshould clarify the distribution of the legislative power of the excise duty,promote the legislation of the excise duty of the People's Congress,improve the excise tax authorization legislative system, and expand thestatutory principle of taxation appropriately. Finally, at the micro level, tobetter exert adjustment function of excise tax, the design of excise dutyitems must be improved, the excise duty rate should be optimized, and thetaxation of excise duty also need to be changed.
Keywords: Excise Duty; Tax Statutory; Function; Authorized Legislation
目 录
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .
1.1.1 研究背景.
1.1.2 研究意义.
1.2 国内外研究现状 .
1.2.1 国内外关于消费税的研究现状 .
1.2.2 国内外关于税收法定原则的研究现状 .
1.2.3 文献评述.
1.3 研究方法与研究内容 .
1.3.1 研究方法.
1.3.2 研究内容
2 我国消费税概述
2.1 我国消费税的概念特点及历史沿革 .
2.1.1 我国消费税的概念 .
2.1.2 我国消费税的特点 .
2.1.3 我国消费税制度的历史沿革 .
2.2 我国消费税的功能
2.2.1 我国消费税的功能定位
2.2.2 我国消费税与增值税的功能比较分析
2.2.3 我国消费税调节功能实际效果评价
3 税收法治逻辑:税收法定原则在我国的确立 .
3.1 税收法定原则
3.1.1 税收法定原则的历史渊源
3.1.2 税收法定原则的内涵
3.1.3 税收法定原则的功能
3.2 税收法定原则在我国的确立
3.2.1 税收法定原则的引入与发展
3.2.2 税收法定原则在我国法律中的确立
4 我国消费税制度存在的问题及成因.
4.1 我国消费税立法尚未达到税收法定原则的要求
4.1.1 消费税立法主体混乱
4.1.2 消费税立法程序失范
4.2 我国消费税立法中课税要素存在的问题
4.2.1 税目设计不合理
4.2.2 税率设计不科学
4.2.3 征税环节设置不合理
4.2.4 价内税降低税收调节敏感度
4.3 我国消费税制度存在问题的成因分析
4.3.1 表面原因:税收法定原则落实不到位
4.3.2 深层原因:税收调节功能的特性与税收法定原则存在冲突
5 税收法定视角下我国消费税制度的完善
5.1 宏观层面:实现税收调节功能与税收法定原则的统一
5.1.1 调整对象特定性与法的普遍性的统一
5.1.2 税收调节目的与严格规制的统一
5.1.3 公权力保障与私权利保护的统一
5.2 中观层面:落实税收法定原则的具体措施
5.2.1 严格划分我国消费税立法权限
5.2.2 推进人大消费税立法
5.2.3 完善消费税授权立法制度
5.2.4 建立消费税授权立法监督制度
5.2.5 引入民主参与机制
5.3 微观层面:完善我国消费税制度的具体建议
5.3.1 完善消费税税目设计
5.3.2 优化消费税税率
5.3.3 改变消费税征税环节
5.3.4 价内税改价外税
题目 中国消费税规章制度优化探析
第一章 消费税中税收法定原则的落实研究绪论
第二章 我国消费税概述
第三章 税收法定原则在我国的确立
第四章 消费税制度存在的问题及成因
第五章 税收法定视角下我国消费税制度的完善
参考文献 税收法定在消费税中的应用探究结语与参考文献
摘 要
关键词:消费税 税收法定 功能 授权立法
China's excise duty belongs to the special consumption tax, and itemphasizes the exertion of the tax adjustment function more than thevalue-added tax. The adjustment function of China's excise duty includesguiding consumer behaviors, correcting negative externalities, andadjusting income distribution. From the historical perspective of thedevelopment of China's excise duty, the regulation function of excise dutyis continuously strengthened. In the current context of the “Business TaxReplaced with Value-added Tax” and the rise of the consumer economy,excise duty must play a more powerful role in tax adjustment. Thestatutory principle of taxation has been introduced into China andestablished in the law. However, it has not been implemented in China'sexcise tax system yet, which not only makes China's excise tax legislativebody been confused and the legislative process anomie, but causesirrational design of tax items, unscientific tax rate design, and a singletaxation. All of these issues have affected the regulation function ofChina's excise duty. On the surface, the problem with the excise dutysystem is that the statutory principle of taxation is not in place, but thedeeper reason is that the statutory principle of taxation requires that thelaws can only be enacted by the National People’s Congress and itsStanding Committee can stipulate the establishment of taxes, thedetermination of tax rates, and tax collection and management. The regulation function of China’s excise duty is realized through theestablishment and cancellation of taxes, the adjustment of tax rates andthe adjustment of the collection procedures, which undoubtedly limits thefunction of the excise duty adjustment. Therefore, the key toimplementing the statutory principle of taxation in the excise tax systemis to resolve the conflict between how to reconcile excise tax flexibilitywith the stability of statutory principles of taxation. First of all, theuncertainty and variability of the excise duty adjustment should not betaken as the law characteristics of realizing the adjustment function. Itshould also be acquired that the implementation of the statutory principleof taxation is not only to guarantee the scientificity and rationality of theadjustment of excise duty, but to bond the purpose of adjustment functionof excise duty with the individual interests of taxpayers. Second, weshould clarify the distribution of the legislative power of the excise duty,promote the legislation of the excise duty of the People's Congress,improve the excise tax authorization legislative system, and expand thestatutory principle of taxation appropriately. Finally, at the micro level, tobetter exert adjustment function of excise tax, the design of excise dutyitems must be improved, the excise duty rate should be optimized, and thetaxation of excise duty also need to be changed.
Keywords: Excise Duty; Tax Statutory; Function; Authorized Legislation
目 录
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景与研究意义 .
1.1.1 研究背景.
1.1.2 研究意义.
1.2 国内外研究现状 .
1.2.1 国内外关于消费税的研究现状 .
1.2.2 国内外关于税收法定原则的研究现状 .
1.2.3 文献评述.
1.3 研究方法与研究内容 .
1.3.1 研究方法.
1.3.2 研究内容
2 我国消费税概述
2.1 我国消费税的概念特点及历史沿革 .
2.1.1 我国消费税的概念 .
2.1.2 我国消费税的特点 .
2.1.3 我国消费税制度的历史沿革 .
2.2 我国消费税的功能
2.2.1 我国消费税的功能定位
2.2.2 我国消费税与增值税的功能比较分析
2.2.3 我国消费税调节功能实际效果评价
3 税收法治逻辑:税收法定原则在我国的确立 .
3.1 税收法定原则
3.1.1 税收法定原则的历史渊源
3.1.2 税收法定原则的内涵
3.1.3 税收法定原则的功能
3.2 税收法定原则在我国的确立
3.2.1 税收法定原则的引入与发展
3.2.2 税收法定原则在我国法律中的确立
4 我国消费税制度存在的问题及成因.
4.1 我国消费税立法尚未达到税收法定原则的要求
4.1.1 消费税立法主体混乱
4.1.2 消费税立法程序失范
4.2 我国消费税立法中课税要素存在的问题
4.2.1 税目设计不合理
4.2.2 税率设计不科学
4.2.3 征税环节设置不合理
4.2.4 价内税降低税收调节敏感度
4.3 我国消费税制度存在问题的成因分析
4.3.1 表面原因:税收法定原则落实不到位
4.3.2 深层原因:税收调节功能的特性与税收法定原则存在冲突
5 税收法定视角下我国消费税制度的完善
5.1 宏观层面:实现税收调节功能与税收法定原则的统一
5.1.1 调整对象特定性与法的普遍性的统一
5.1.2 税收调节目的与严格规制的统一
5.1.3 公权力保障与私权利保护的统一
5.2 中观层面:落实税收法定原则的具体措施
5.2.1 严格划分我国消费税立法权限
5.2.2 推进人大消费税立法
5.2.3 完善消费税授权立法制度
5.2.4 建立消费税授权立法监督制度
5.2.5 引入民主参与机制
5.3 微观层面:完善我国消费税制度的具体建议
5.3.1 完善消费税税目设计
5.3.2 优化消费税税率
5.3.3 改变消费税征税环节
5.3.4 价内税改价外税
Tags: 优化 我国 规章制度 探析 特种 中国 消费税 属于
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